Encouraging the body of Christ, and all other seekers of truth, to appreciate the rich spiritual treasures that reside in Scripture
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Praise in the Midst of Pain
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23
It is truly a hard matter to muster the will to praise God when we are mired in pain. The emotional and spiritual agonies of this world can tempt us to surrender joy. To surrender hope. To surrender trust in the Lord's sovereign rule. The stark reality is that God has never failed to uphold His Word, which ensures us that He will see us through hardships and not abandon us, no matter the outcome. And yet somehow that reality escapes us when we find ourselves engulfed in sorrow. The biblical book of Lamentations has much to teach us in this regard. This Scriptural account was penned after the kingdom of Babylon had overrun Jerusalem, which meant that many of the people of Judah were either killed, displaced, or forced to remain in a territory now under foreign rule. Tradition has it that Lamentations was likely authored by the prophet Jeremiah.
The overarching tone of Lamentations is replete with regret, sadness, and a state of shell-shockness. The writer recognized that Jerusalem's fall, and that of God's people in general, was brought about by disobedience. But the writer struggled to grasp how God could allow King Nebuchadnezzar to tear apart the holy city, the jewel of Judah's territorial crown, so-to-speak. Therefore, the words of Lamentations are bathed in raw emotion, and evoke sentiments of fresh, deep despair. It is an account that acknowledges wrongdoing and its subsequent punishment, but it also relays the human challenge of coping with pain. Although the first few chapters of Lamentations outline Judah's faults, as well as the fierce response of God's righteous anger, chapter 3 comes along and communicates immense confidence in God's leadership. In fact, Lamentations 3:23 speaks of God's unwavering love. Bear in mind, this statement was proclaimed at a time when destitution was impacting the remaining families in Jerusalem. The capital of Judah's land resembled nothing like it once did under David and Solomon's reigns. Jerusalem was now battered, barren, and broken.
The writer's ability to convey solace in the Lord despite horrible conditions in the community, better yet the nation, revealed the writer's submission to God's governance and glory. He understood that the Lord's plan and purpose are superior to man's. God will always do what is right and best. And the author of Lamentations exercised the faith to believe it, even in the dark days of tragedy and turmoil. God works in incredible ways, and His ways are mighty, mysterious, and magnificent. Though heartache is difficult we can find the tremendous benefit of maintaining assurance and conviction. We fail the Lord, but He does not fail us. So let us take in this knowledge and rejoice in God like never before.
When I was college I was required to take a freshman orientation class. The course proved to be very beneficial. But one of the lasting experiences of that class was an opportunity to spend a morning overcoming outdoor obstacles. The thrust of the endeavor was to teach the students about teamwork and to develop, or foster, friendships through trust. One of the events included climbing a telephone pole and then walking across a plank some thirty feet in the air. From the ground the telephone pole did not look that high. But the moment I ascended to its peak it gave me a completely different perspective. All the preconceived strength I had disappeared in an instant. Fear swept over me and I froze. I became unsure as to whether or not I could even take the first step onto the plank, which led to a zip line. Seconds seemed like hours. My heart rate accelerated, and it reverberated in my head. Even though I had a safety wire harnessed to my back, the thought of falling was utterly terrifying.
Finally, one of my classmates from below cheered me on, telling me I could do it. Soon other students started to encourage me. The external support gave me the motivation and willpower I lacked. I took my first step, and then another, and then another. Not long after, I was racing down the zip line having the time of my life. In a way, that experience embodies life itself, at least for Christians. We, as believers, will find ourselves travailing treacherous paths. We will get mired in undesirable situations. Like the author of Lamentations we will someday stare at the remnants of a battered, barren, broken dream. We will grieve. We will weep. But there is support in God. There is exhortation in God. And there is company in God. Whether in a valley or on a mountaintop the Lord will not leave us. He will not forsake us. Great, great is His faithfulness. So let us praise even in the midst of pain for our Lord lives. Our Lord loves. And our Lord tarries with us through each and every affliction.
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