
Encouraging the body of Christ, and all other seekers of truth, to appreciate the rich spiritual treasures that reside in Scripture

Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Life-Saving, Life-Sustaining Relationship with God

"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?"
Psalm 42:1-2

What often gets overlooked, and what often gets understated, in modern-day religious rhetoric is the fundamental fact that life is empty and hopeless without God. Mankind has always been an argumentative lot. And even in the church (or should I say especially in the church) we tend to be consumed with flash point topics, issues that often lead to theological debate and divide. Sadly, many of the arguments involve secondary matters, matters that do not address the means of salvation, which should be of utmost concern. If we, as followers of God, would but resolve ourselves to fully focus on the underlying basis for faith (the sovereignty of the God, His Son Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit) then much of our heated discussion would likely subside. And we could once again resume a child-like trust in God, a trust that adores the Lord and aspires to let His truth spiritually nourish us.

There have been many individuals who have helped encourage my walk with God, and motivated me to not let spiritual apathy or cynicism invade my heart. But one of the most inspirational teachers in this regard was the head pastor at the church I attended for the majority of my college years: Heritage Baptist Church in north Oklahoma City. Frankly, up until this point in my life biblical instruction was not something I actively pursued, or invested much time in. For the better part of my youth I started many Scriptural studies, but rarely did I finish them. But when I became a part of the fellowship at Heritage Baptist Church the messages presented there opened my eyes and awakened my soul to life-saving, life-sustaining doctrine. The pastor relayed the criticality of the Bible, and its wonderful daily application for humanity. I quickly realized that I was missing out on the joy of experiencing a knowledge of God, a knowledge that had the potential to provide me continual peace and power. What was holding me back was my willingness to let God's Word teach me, and God's Spirit to transform me. In the surrendering of my will I found a stillness in the Lord's Presence, and I embarked upon a journey that eventually led to my commitment to read Scripture each and every day. 

In a way, the spiritual makeover I was emboldened to pursue at Heritage Baptist Church is captured in the opening verses of Psalm 42. There is beautiful imagery portrayed in this Hebrew song. Deer go to streams needy and ready. After all, all living creatures require a steady intake of water since it is essential to their survival. And this concept has meaning for mankind in that our souls demand a steady intake of God's presence in order to survive and thrive. In other words, a relationship with God is the sole means of knowing our purpose in this world, and it is the sole means of finding the ability to exhibit a God-honoring character.

All this to say, the Bible affirms that God is a God of relevancy - of reality. The Lord is not some mystic, unapproachable force; He is the eternal Maker - a great Being Who reveals Himself at His holy choosing. Though hardships befall humanity we should not harbor a coldness, or dispute God's divine leadership. Life will gave us rain-filled days, and therefore cause us to journey mud-saturated roads. The trails are not always easy to traverse, but the trails are much easier to endure when believers of God know that God is near to those who cherish Him, and call out to Him. 

May our heart always yearn to search for God, like a deer that searches for life-saving/life-sustaining water. Even when the valley is low let us hold fast to our faith in the Lord. Even when the path is dark. Even when the days are horribly cold. Even then may we trust in the Sovereign God. Certainly, this world is cruel and unrelenting. But God's love and grace are equally unrelenting, and this proffers much hope to weary, God-searching souls. Like streams of water that can satisfy the needs of a thirsty creature so God's presence can quench the cravings of a parched spirit. Therefore, let the knowledge of God's abiding proximity carry us through all of our endeavors, and give us what we require to tarry on through life's pilgrimage.       

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