
Encouraging the body of Christ, and all other seekers of truth, to appreciate the rich spiritual treasures that reside in Scripture

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Spiritual Significance of a Godly Spouse

"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth more than rubies.”
Proverbs 31:10

There are travesties that occur every day in regard to the sanctity of marriage, particularly in the areas of appreciation and affection. Sadly, many couples suffer from unhealthy forms of communication. Spouses often choose to employ critical words rather than cherishing words toward one another. When this occurs, blame and accusations are tossed about freely. Harsh and heated arguments take place. The marital environment can quickly become one of hostility and distrust. As the relational divide deepens the outlook on the marriage transforms from a positive position to a state of misery and gloom. But this was never what God intended for marriage. When God noted that it was not good for man to be alone on earth in Genesis 2:18 He was alluding to the numerous blessings and benefits that marriage can bring about (i.e. companionship, encouragement, accountability, inspiration, laughter). This clearly indicates that marriage is a God-sanctioned covenantal bond that can, and should, be one of the most meaningful experiences in life.

But for some reason humanity has, by and large, attempted to dismiss the beauty of a marital relationship. Society has promoted derogatory references to marriage. For example, some husbands choose to refer to their wife as the “ball and chain”, implying that matrimony is akin to serving a prison sentence. This approach is a complete reversal of the Genesis 2:18 passage in that God determined there was enormous value in reclassifying a man and woman as husband and wife. So while the world is cynical about marriage God is committed. While the world is abrasive toward marriage God is assuring. All this to say, God has a hope-filled take on the marital institution. And this hope-filled take is beautifully captured in Proverbs 31.

In many ways, Proverbs 31 is the benchmark for how spouses should communicate in and outside of their relationship. The writer assessed the spiritual significance of a godly wife and highlighted many incredible benefits to a spouse of virtue:

  • Trustworthiness (31:11)
  • Good (31:12)
  • Industrious (31:13)
  • Wise (31:16)
  • Generous (31:20)
  • Caring (31:21)
  • Knowledgable (31:26)
  • Loving (31:28)
  • Faithful (31:30)
Throughout Proverbs 31 there exists a pervasive desire to not take marriage for granted, or damage a marital relationship with destructive discourse. The writer of Proverbs 31 understood that when a marital  environment overflows with commendation and tribute then the environment will be strong and inspiring. The whole text in Proverbs 31 relating to marriage provides a complimentary sentiment about marriage, and rightly so. Instead of being ignored, a godly wife should be exalted for she is passionate about serving the Lord and attending to the needs of her family. A godly wife is productive with her time. She is protective of her loved ones. She is persistent in her preparation, preservation, and procurement of food, clothing, and shelter. She is praise-worthy because of her lifestyle. A godly wife should be esteemed by her family. A wife, a mother, is the relational glue that helps a family remain bonded. Such a woman strengthens connections and sacrifices so much to help keep the connections intact. 

In short, the writer of Proverbs 31 gave godly wives the recognition that they richly deserve. But the writer of Proverbs 31 also underscored that there is a spiritual significance to having a godly spouse. And this significance should be communicated as often as possible. A family that utilizes positive, honest communication is a family that longs to honor God in speech, conduct, and character. Followers of God should never assume a spouse, or a parent for that matter, knows how much we care until we express it. So many things need to be said but never are. Let this not be said of God's believers. Instead, let us be committed to applying encouraging words. Words that build up, rather than tear down. Words that heal, rather than hurt. Words that glorify the One Who makes and sustains us: God.         

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